Hey there! I'm DistractedMOSFET! On my site you can expect to see my creations, my thoughts on media, programming, game design/dev, interactive fiction, the independent web. I also just share stuff I find cool sometimes.
If those topics sound interesting to you, you can follow my work with RSS. Click here if you don't know what that is!

Try out a recent creation: In Reverence For A Captain, short web interactive fiction, 2nd place in Inkjam 2021.
Hey there! I'm DistractedMOSFET! On my site you can expect to see my creations, my thoughts on media, programming, game design/dev, interactive fiction, the independent web. I also just share stuff I find cool sometimes.
If those topics sound interesting to you, you can follow my work with RSS. Click here if you don't know what that is!

Try out a recent creation: In Reverence For A Captain, short web interactive fiction, 2nd place in Inkjam 2021.


Gemini Ink Server: Play choice text adventures over the gemini protocol!

Published on 2020-11-14 by DistractedMOSFET ~2 mins of reading

Yesterday I spent a few hours creating a nodejs server that you can use to play Ink games over the Gemini protocol . Combining two ...

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